A Note From Our Founder
Good morning, angels! If you're on the East Coast, it's now technically the early afternoon because it's been a very busy and exciting launch (more below) and I wanted to take time this morning to actually recap for you in real time!!
The Bands by Cacti Wellness are officially HERE and I can't wait for you to get your hands on them. I'm so proud of our team for all of the work that they've put into this project over the last couple of months - working at a start up is no joke but it's so rewarding.
Something about me is I always really loved school (especially college)- the learning, the working towards a goal, the structured timeline. I was the girl who would print and highlight my syllabus a week before class started. This week I realized that's probably why I love being a founder so much - I'm constantly continuing my education through real-life experience (and ChatGPT).
I'm truly so grateful to have found a career that lights me up and I'm passionate about helping other people do the same. I have experience with working corporate, freelancing, and ultimately starting my own business, and I'm always happy to help people figure out their path :) If you're feeling like you're at a turning point in your career right now and want to talk it out, feel free to shoot me an email - I read all of the replies that come in from our newsletter.
x Kira
Cacti Wellness IRL
Reminder for our NYC angels! We're popping up at The Rockaway Hotel on June 30th at 6:30 PM for a Sunset Sculpt and Meditation.
The Rockaway Hotel is hosting their second annual Wellness Week and we'd LOVE to have you.
Productive Wellness Unlock
Conquer the Fear of Failing:
We all want success, we all want to achieve our goals and live extraordinary lives. So, when we don’t succeed at something, it's natural to feel disappointment.
That being said, the real unlock comes when we realize that failure actually leads to success. Maintaining the confidence to persevere until success is what makes achievers stand out.
5 tips from highly successful people on building confidence:
1. Start Small:
Ed Mylett often says the key to building confidence is to keep the promises that you make to yourself. Building consistent habits is best done one at a time, so start with a focus on being hyper-consistent in one area. Once that's solidified, add on.
2. Acting ‘As If’:
We recommend visualization practices that can help you build confidence, even without the physical experience to back it up. This is our favorite walking meditation for confidence.
3. Audit Your Self-Talk:
"The words we speak become the house we live in." -Hazif
4. Move Your Body:
It doesn’t take much to boost endorphins, which is why we’ve designed every single workout on our platform to be 20 minutes or less.
5. Start A Routine:
. A morning or evening routine is a perfect way to practice keeping promises to yourself. Remember tip one, and keep it simple.
The Bands by Cacti Wellness
Yesterday we officially launched The Bands and had the most amazing launch event yesterday with a rooftop banded workout in outfits by lululemon, followed by protein lattes at the "Cacti Cafe" with protein shakes from Koia.
We wish you all could've been there, so wanted to do something special just for the "Morning, Angels" community. We're offering 10% off through the end of the month! You can use code MORNINGANGELS10 or click this link and it will auto-populate. This brings The Bands under $30 and includes free shipping!

New & Now in the Wellness World
So, are we still using tampons?
Recent studies revealed some shocking news about what’s in feminine care products. Studies on tampons have revealed quantities of lead and arsenic in these products. This news is pretty concerning considering that large quantities of these chemicals can have detrimental side effects on the body. That being said, these studies did not show whether these chemicals entered the bloodstream enough for damage, so scientists are still conducting further research. In the meantime, we can recommend options like straying toward certified clean feminine products (we like the brand August) and consulting with your doctor if you’re not sure where to start.
Our New Go-To Flight Beverage:
Reduced oxygen levels in airplane cabins can slow down digestive enzymes, causing stomach upset—especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Peppermint tea has the power to aid digestion and soothes nausea. It’s also naturally caffeine free if you're on a night flight, and can easily be added into your carry on. Most flights don’t carry it so just BYOT & ask for hot water on the flight. Bonus points, it will warm you up when the flight inevitably gets freezing.
Cacti Community
Last we asked you to share your favorite activewear brands so we're sharing some responses below in case you're looking to stock up for summer or "back to school" season!
🤎 Lululemon
🤎 SET Active
🤎 MPG Sport
🤎 Athleta
🤎 GymShark
🤎 Alo
**Special shoutout to one of our team's favorite activewear brands, owned by 2 sisters in NYC:
Daughter Lessons - now available on Nordstrom!
That's all for this week, angels!