It's almost Valentine's day… our plans? Making time for SELF-love. Because the most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves.
Cliché, we know. But true.
We’ve got your back on the journey to ultimate self-love, so we rounded up our fave gifts so you can truly lean into the #TakeCare mindset this week.
What is self-love?
We believe self-love looks different for everybody. It’s practicing discipline (especially when you really want that second glass of wine), calling your Mom on a Friday night, or binge-watching real housewives with your best friends.
Self-love is listening to your body, giving it what it needs, no matter what that may look like.
How to practice self-love:
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, what better way to practice self-love than with our ultimate self-love gift guide?
Consciously curated by the Cacti team, here are 17 ways you can practice self-love at home:
Why we love it: Whether you’re an emerging or established self-love junkie, skincare will always be the OG when it comes to self-love practices, no matter what your budget there’s something for everyone. Here are some of our favorites:
Why we love it: A simple way to show yourself some love is by being intentional about your environment. How does it make you feel? What does it smell like? These factors play a major role in how we show up day to day. Lighting a candle is a great (and affordable) way to spice up your environment.
Why we love it: A huge pillar of working on the relationship with yourself is practicing self-awareness. Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions or thoughts align with your inner values.
Try out our Cacti Meditations for free, on our 7-day trial. Available here.
Why we love it: If the pandemic taught us one thing it's that loungewear is acceptable no matter what the occasion. Nothing screams self-love like a cozy fit.
Drop your shoulders from your ears, release your jaw, and breathe. Self-love is supposed to be fun, liberating, and joyful - not stressful, overwhelming, and frustrating. It’s about visualizing a future that brings you the utmost joy and doing whatever it takes to get there.
Self-love begins with action. How will you show up for yourself today?
Journal Prompts:
Stuck? We know this whole self-love thing can be hard. We’ve provided a few journaling prompts to help you determine what you need most today:
What would you do today if you loved yourself?
When was the last time you felt genuinely happy? What were you doing?
When do you feel the most confidence?